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Dumpster Sizes

10 yard Cartaway dumpster

10 Cubic Yards:  12' X 7' X 3' - Suitable for small residential jobs, such as a do-it-yourself home remodeling projects or general cleanups.  This dumpster holds approximately 3 pickup truck loads of material.

12 yard cartaway dumpster

12 Cubic Yards:  12' X 7' X 4' - Suitable for small - medium residential jobs, such as a do-it-yourself home remodeling projects or general cleanups of 1-2 rooms.  This dumpster holds approximately 4 pickup truck loads of material.

15 yard Cartaway Dumpster

15 Cubic Yards:  Approximate size-12' X 7' X 5' - Suitable for - medium residential jobs, such as a 1-2 room renovation or medium-large cleanup projects.   This dumpster holds approximately 5 pickup truck loads of material.

20 yard Cartaway dumpster

20 Cubic Yards:  Approximate size-22' X 7' X 3.5' - Suitable for - heavy materials, medium-large residential jobs and medium-large cleanup projects.   This dumpster holds approximately 6 pickup truck loads of material.  Please note: This dumpster is delivered by a very large truck and may not fit in some residential locations.

30 yard Cartaway dumpster

30 Cubic Yards:  Approximate size-22' X 7' X 6' - Suitable for - large residential jobs, such as a multi-room renovation or whole house cleanout.   This dumpster holds approximately 10 pickup truck loads of material.  Please note:  This dumpster is delivered by a very large truck and may not fit in some residential locations.

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